
Hey ok so yall all know about my awesomly cool sister right? Teia Hagood? well so she has a blog but now she is getting a website! it is not up yet though but be sure to look at it when its up so you can see some of her awesomly cool paintings and stuff!

This is my awesomly cool friend named Carry Also known as Caroline I am not going to tell you her name because you may stalk her and sorry i dont know how to spell! Sorry i am a little hyper i am actually at the salon that my parents work at it is called Hair art and Co. be sure to come here it is awesome also go on their web site hairartandcompany.com!


StarBoy news

So you all know im StarBoy right and i based my name on the book StarGirl well i was surfing the web and i crossed over a superhero named starman. Now i know that they made a movie on it so yeah. He looks pretty cool so im kinda a superhero but in boy version not man! Haha