
StarBoy News

when i read this artical thingy in BAZAAR i totally fell in love with it! i have been trying to look for these pictures and i finally got them! I really like the one where she is puttingh her suit case in the taxi!


Pollok is so cooool!


StarBoy news

Hey This is the book StarBoys reading!
Its so far a really good book! i am only on the first chaoter but still!its by laren myrical and she does the ttyl and ttfn books so yeah! i was really suprised to see she wrote this book cause i thought she was more kidish friendly?!
who knew!


all last night and this mornin iv been listein to her! Im totaly obsesed with so happy i could die! its such a good song!

love it!


StarBoy's News on Alice in wonderland!

I absolutly cant wait till this movie Alice In Wonderland!
you know what Anne Hathaway who plays in the movie she did a resent photo shoot thingy for some magazine and she wore the Alice In Wonderland dress the one above but it was in pink!loved it!i really like the wavyness thing on the top that kinda hangs their!i like the baggyness of the dress! Coming to theaters In March 2010!

Alexander McQueen has died! who saw that coming. I think he was a fashion designer and he committed suicide! who would have thunk it.


William Wagman

iv never really payed any attention to this wonderful man and now learning about him i rally like what he does. He first started out as a artist like a painter but then desided to be intrested in in photography. he never really pland the whole dog thing when he first desided but he promised his wife they would get a puppy and so they did and they got a weimaraner dog. his first one was named man ray! Now your peobable thinking oh these poor dogs well no! They like it and William know when they dont want to or do! if one of his dogs die he gets a new one. Not just so he can keep being famous but because he absolutly adored these dogs. The cool thing about his work is that he uses wigs on dogs and clothes. He also does a persons body with the dogs head! Im pretty sure William Wagman is still alive and i just think hes such a talented person. He makes me want to dress my dog up and take some pictures!


Starboy's art

some pics iv made!


Lady GaGa

i love gagas fashion!